Announcement/Annonce: the Cesab of the FRB and the ANR EcoNET are organizing the second edition of the workshop “Analyzing ecological network data” from March 31 to April 4, 2025. The objective of this five-day course is to train young researchers in analyzing ecological network data. The course covers a general introduction to networks, classical metrics (including modularity, nesteness, clustering), null models, generative models (including SBM), multilayer networks, as well as an overview of newer techniques (such as motifs or collections of networks). Each topic is explored through lectures followed by practicals.
The workshop will be in EN. More information can be found here. The program and registrations are accessible here.
Language/ langue : English/ anglais
When/ date : 31 March – 4 April 2025
Where/ lieu : CESAB offices/ locaux du Cesab, Montpellier
Price / tarif : 250 € – lunches included / déjeuners inclus.
Pre-registrations are open from November 4 to December 2, 2024.